If you want a good chuckle, check out the following bodyboarding gear from the '90s:
A hard bodyboard. Think surfboard in the shape of a bodyboard. It consisted of a polyurethane foam core covered with a high-density foam outer shell, which was coated in a clear automotive polyurethane paint. Sounds more like materials you would use on a space shuttle than you would on a boogie board.
Do you really need a strap to carry your board from the beach's parking lot to the beach? Really? With board bags already available, I can't really think how this strap would be functional, especially since it's designed to fit around only one shoulder.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Good one Lee Boy... Those guys were still shredding though.
Dare you guys to wear all of the mentioned 90's gears and paddle out at MB. Guaranteed to get respect in the line ups. LOL
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