Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Week After

One week ago today, the first DK Wars South Bay event went down at Manhattan Beach Pier. The contestants made the most out of the small waves, and at the end of the day, it seemed like almost everyone was stoked on the event. Local DK rippers Joe Sabra and Nick Borgens took first and second place, respectively.

I paddled out today, if nothing more than to get some exercise. Surprisingly, I had fun. I think that has to be my mindset on small days - I'll tell myself that I'm going out to get some exercise instead of going out to actually surf. That way, catching waves will be a bonus instead of the primary objective... or I could get a longboard... or I could just move back to Hawaii. Haha.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Cool pix, as always. Fun was had.