Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day 2012

What's better than having a Monday off? Having a Monday off when there's some swell and offshores!

Happy President's Day

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Not My Usual Self

I ended up doing a couple of things that I usually don't do (or at least I haven't done in a while) this morning.

I actually surfed for the first time in, geez, I can't even remember. I do remember that the second to last time that I surfed I was in Hawaii, and that was a while ago. Lately, I've been more interested in getting my wanna-be photog on than getting my wanna-be bodyboarder on.

The fun looking waves, in particular, the doubling-up inside section, enticed me to jump in. Although, now that I think of it, it was probably Bran's barrage of "you-should-go-ins" when I first arrived that actually made me surf. Ha. In any case, I had a fun sesh.

After my session I hung out in the lot for around five minutes, which is around five minutes more than I usually hang out in the lot after a sesh.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


We found a spot that provided some shelter from the incessant onshore winds this morning. Trouble was we had to break the law to surf there... kind of... ok, ok, not really, but I don't think we were supposed to surf there.

The lone local didn't seem to mind that we visited his spot. Poor guy had a fishing lure stuck to his mouth.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Trap

Cruised the entire north half of the bay in search of the best surf that it had to offer. I saw some spots that were better than others, only to end up at one of those "others". Dang it, not again! haha